This is my first glove/fingerless glove and I’m stuck on the thumb gusset. First, how many needles should I have - I have 3 doing the circular knitting (total of 4 needles), but should I have 4 needles for the circular part (so 5 needles?).
I’ve completed the neck warmer and am working on the wrist warmers. I’m stuck on the thumb gusset. Can someone explain what I need to do for the increase? I’ve changed back to the larger needles and have knit the lace pattern for 20 sts. - it says to “Place marker, m1 between needles 2 & 3, place marker, pattern to end of round.” - does this mean put two markers together next to each other, and then I’ll be doing the increase in between the markers?
I need to finish the wrist warmers for my sister’s 40th!
Wrist Warmers
Using larger DPNs, cast on 40 sts, place marker and join, taking care not to twist.
Purl 1 round
Knit 1 round
Purl 1 round
Work rows 1 - 8 of lace pattern twice.
Change to smaller needles and work rows 1 - 8 one time.
Change back to larger needles and prepare for thumb gusset.
Continuing in Lace Pattern work 20 sts. Place marker, m1 between needles 2 & 3, place marker, pattern to end of round.
Rnd 1: Pattern 20 sts. slip marker, knit to next marker, slip marker, pattern to end.
Rnd 2: Pattern 20 sts, slip marker, m1, knit to next marker, m1, slip marker, pattern to end.
Repeat rounds 1 & 2 until there are 15 sts between markers. (Adjust new sts evenly between needles 2 & 3)…