Help finding cardigan patterens with band inc

Hey hoping someone can point me in the direction of a baby cardigan pattern that includes the bands in the patteren rather thank picking up stitches for the bands as I’m terrible at this. I’m still a wee bit of a novice still!

Are you a member of Ravelry? If you are and the pattern you choose is on Ravelry you can save the one you decide on to your library. Here’s a search I did for free (who doesn’t like free and we can look at it if you need help) patterns. One of them might be what you want.

If you tell us sometime what the problem you have with picking up stitches is maybe we can help you resolve the issue. Meanwhile there’s that search up there to keep you busy. HTH and happy knitting!

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Marianna Mel has some lovely patterns for a range of baby sizes.

The yarn can really be the star in these patterns. Here’s a link to a Ravelry search on her name.
She often writes the complete small size pattern first then the next sizes. You would need to scroll down for larger sizes.
What size baby would you like to knit for?

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There are some lovely free cardigan patterns from Drops.
Sorry I got a bit carried away browsing… there are more on their site.

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