Hi all, happy new year! I’m attempting to start this hat (there’s a link to the PDF on that page) for a friend of mine, and I’m stuck on the instructions at the very beginning (always a good sign right?).
Temporarily cast on 112 stitches. K1, P1 around for 2” (14 rows). Change to P1, K1 around
for another 2”. Pick up cast-on edge and slip stitches on needle(s) in this way: 1 stitch from the
round you have just worked, followed by 1 stitch from the cast-on edge. You will have 224
stitches on the needle.
To temporarily cast on, does that mean a provisional cast on? I’ve never tried that before, but at least I’ve heard of it. Also, how exactly would you pick up the cast-on edge? :?? So confused!