Help! Confused Instructions!

The instructions reads:
Left Front
***With smaller needles and MC,cast on 25 (27-29-31) sts.
Work from toas given for back, inc 0(0-1-1) st at center of last row. 25 (27-30-32) sts. ***

Proceed as follows:
1st row:(RS).Knit to last 4 sts. (p1. K1) twice (front edge).
2nd and alt rows: Purl.
3rd row: K0 (0-1-1). *K3.P1. Rep from *to last 5 (7-5-7) sts. K1 (3-1-3). (p1.k1) twice.
5th row: As 1st row.
7th row: k1(1-2-2). *p1.k3. Rep from * to last 4 (6-4-6)sts. (P1. K1) 2 (3-2-3) times.
8th row: Purl.

Keeping 4 sts at front edge in Rib Pat, cont in Dot Pat until work from beg measures same length as Back to Armhole (6.5 ins), ending on same row of Dot Pat as Back with RS facing for next row.

Shape armholes: Keeping cont of pat, cast off 2 sts beg next and every following alt row 1 (1-2-2) time(s) more. 21 (23-24-26)sts.

Cont even in pat until armhole measures 2.5 (3-3.5-3.5) ins, ending with WS facing for next row.

Sizes for 12 mos, 18 mos, 2 yrs, 4 yrs. My choice is 18 mons.

Now I’m in the middle of shaping armhole. I don’t know how to continue.

I cast off 2 sts while following the instruction for 1st row.
2nd row: purl.
3rd row: cast off 2 sts.

My question is for the 3rd row. At this moment I had 25 sts. After casting off 2 more sts, I only have 23 sts left as indicated. But the previous instruction is for 27 sts. I cannot leave 7 sts. It doesn’t work out.

Another question:
“Keeping 4 sts at front edge in Rib Pat” ? What does it mean? Do I have to do extra for it? Or I just follow the previous instruction and ignore this sentence.

I hope I express myself clear enough here. Please help me figure it out. Thanks a lot!

If you started with 27 and dec’d 2 and 2 again, you’d have 23 sts. Per the patten you’ll work those 23 sts for 3 inches.

‘Keeping 4 sts in rib’ means to cont working those 23 sts, but 4 of them are the front rib pattern that you’ve been establishing all along. (Many put a marker between the body pattern…referred to as Dot Pat in what you posted…and the front rib.) So you’d have 19 sts of body patt and 4 of the rib.


The 4 sts in at front edge will already be in the rib pattern of k1, p1 so just keep doing that. Yes you can leave out sts. Just follow the ribbing pattern that you’ve been doing. Not st by st as laid out in the previous rows, but look at your knitting. When you see a knit st, knit it; when you see a purl st, purl it.

You armhole BOs will look like this:


R is rib, D is dot, red is the marker in between. Right edge showed 2st BO.


But I’ll do this way:

For 3rd row, I’ll follow the instruction(*k3.p1) until 5 sts instead of 7 sts left. Then I’ll k1,p1,k1,p1,k1.

Can I do it like this?

Thanks for your advice, Cam90066 and Suzeeq.

Yes, I think that’ll work. And sorry if I confused you by saying you continue in ribbing, I forgot it was the Dot pattern.

For R3, per pattern:

3rd row: K0 (0-1-1). *K3.P1. Rep from *to last 5 (7-5-7) sts. K1 (3-1-3). (p1.k1) twice.

You’d do dot patt in 16 sts…7 remain (total 23). K3 (for your sz), then do rib in P1K1 twice (4 sts).


Rib=black, final K3=green, dot patt=blue.


I guess I have to do the same for 7th row: follow the instruction until 5 sts instead of 6 sts left. Then k1,p1,k1,p1,k1.

What about the 5th row?

Hi, suzeeq, I don’t worry about 5th row since I only cast off 2 sts twice which is on 1st row and 3rd row.

Hi Cam90066, how about R3 for 25 sts? I mean I cast off 2 sts on 1st row, then I have 25 sts when I start 3rd row. Should I do like this:


When I cast off 2 sts, there will be 23 sts left.

Thanks you all for any suggestions!

Yes, but you’ll have less stitches on Row 5, and then you mentioned row 7…

You posted:

[i]Now I’m in the middle of shaping armhole. I don’t know how to continue.

I cast off 2 sts while following the instruction for 1st row.
2nd row: purl.
3rd row: cast off 2 sts. [/i]

You started with 27 sts. R1 CO took you to 25 sts. The 2 CO on R3 took you down to 23 sts. I previously gave info on how to work that row per the pattern instructions. (16 in dot, 3 in K, 4 rib) You work the remainder of the armhole on 23 sts.

Not sure what you current confusion is.


hi suzeeq, row 5 is easy to follow and row 7 is fine now.:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

But I have more questions now.

Cont even in pat until armhole measures 3 ins, ending with WS facing for next row.

Shape neck: Next row: Cast off 7 sts (neck edge). Purl to end of row.
Dec 1 st at neck edge on next and every following alt row 3 times. 12 sts.

Now RS face for next row and neck edge is on my left side. I need to dec 1st on 5th row.
My question is about “Dec 1 st at neck edge on next and every following alt row 3 times. 12 sts.”

Where should I decrease this 1 st: at 1st 2 sts or last 2 sts?
How can I decrease 1 st if these 2 sts are different, for example, k1.p1?

I know how to dec if 2sts are the same: say both are knit st or purl st. But what should I do if they are different: k1.p1, or pl.k1?

hi cam90066, My confusion was how to follow the instruction for 3rd row from 25 sts to 23 sts. Now I follow another knitter’s suggestion:

For 3rd row,


there will be 23 remain after I cast 2 sts.

That was my confusion before.

Now I have new confusion. Any advice?

Where should I decrease this 1 st: at 1st 2 sts or last 2 sts?
How can I decrease 1 st if these 2 sts are different, for example, k1.p1?

Either a k2tog or p2tog, whichever fits in with the following sts. And they should be at the neck edge, where you did the 7 BOs on. So I think at the end of a RS row.

Your queries re: the neck edge. The pattern states to do the decs at the NECK EDGE. I would do the dec in the 2nd and 3rd st from the neck edge, leaving the last st as is. (Do you pick up for collar or similar? Can you post a pic of the garment?) You’ve eliminated the ribbing in the CO of 7? If the CO 7 eliminated the rib of KPKP and the adjoining 3 K, the next 3 rem sts would be PKK. Knit the two Ks tog to do the dec leaving the P as your sel st. The next dec (on the next RS row) should work similarly.


thank you both:) :slight_smile:

I took the photos of this cardigan and left front I’ve been working on. I still have questions regarding this dec. I’ll post my question later:-P :stuck_out_tongue:

:stuck_out_tongue: hope it’s not too small for you guys:p

Pic size can be magnified so able to view just fine.

Looks good…consistent with the pattern instructions you posted. Armhole is shaped and now you’ll be working the neck decs so that collar can be added. The stitch pattern seems more pronounced in the Bernat booklet but might just be the lighting (or yarn) in your photo.


yeah, seems the colors are different. I didn’t notice it before. Actually I use the exactly same yarn as required in the booklet. You’re right. It’s just the lighting.

thank you all for your time and suggestions! I’ll continue and come back if I have more questions.:slight_smile:

Have a good night:)