The instructions reads:
Left Front
***With smaller needles and MC,cast on 25 (27-29-31) sts.
Work from toas given for back, inc 0(0-1-1) st at center of last row. 25 (27-30-32) sts. ***
Proceed as follows:
1st row:(RS).Knit to last 4 sts. (p1. K1) twice (front edge).
2nd and alt rows: Purl.
3rd row: K0 (0-1-1). *K3.P1. Rep from *to last 5 (7-5-7) sts. K1 (3-1-3). (p1.k1) twice.
5th row: As 1st row.
7th row: k1(1-2-2). *p1.k3. Rep from * to last 4 (6-4-6)sts. (P1. K1) 2 (3-2-3) times.
8th row: Purl.
Keeping 4 sts at front edge in Rib Pat, cont in Dot Pat until work from beg measures same length as Back to Armhole (6.5 ins), ending on same row of Dot Pat as Back with RS facing for next row.
Shape armholes: Keeping cont of pat, cast off 2 sts beg next and every following alt row 1 (1-2-2) time(s) more. 21 (23-24-26)sts.
Cont even in pat until armhole measures 2.5 (3-3.5-3.5) ins, ending with WS facing for next row.
Sizes for 12 mos, 18 mos, 2 yrs, 4 yrs. My choice is 18 mons.
Now I’m in the middle of shaping armhole. I don’t know how to continue.
I cast off 2 sts while following the instruction for 1st row.
2nd row: purl.
3rd row: cast off 2 sts.
My question is for the 3rd row. At this moment I had 25 sts. After casting off 2 more sts, I only have 23 sts left as indicated. But the previous instruction is for 27 sts. I cannot leave 7 sts. It doesn’t work out.
Another question:
“Keeping 4 sts at front edge in Rib Pat” ? What does it mean? Do I have to do extra for it? Or I just follow the previous instruction and ignore this sentence.
I hope I express myself clear enough here. Please help me figure it out. Thanks a lot!