I can’t seem to get the continental purl stitch - I’ve got the knit stitch, but when I go to purl, it looks backwards. I have a few rows of knit stitch done, and want to practice the purl stitch.
In the continental purl video - she says to pull the yarn down in front so it looks like a single stitch, right? Well if I pull my yarn down in front it looks like a double stitch, and when I pull it down in back it looks like a single stitch. Does that make sense? It’s like I’ve got something backwards and what should be on the front is really on the back.
I just learned to knit today (from these wonderful videos) but am I doing something wrong? How do I know and how do I fix it? Or is there a way to purl with this backwards stitch I’ve somehow ended up with? Please let me know! Thanks!