Help Again

I posted earlier and tried the replies, but am still having trouble.

Lower Band:
Next Row (WS) *K 1, p 1; rep from * across, dec 1 st at center of back (161) (have done this)

Next Row K 6 *p1, k 1; rep from * to last 5 sts, k 5. Continue in pat as established until band measures 2" continuing buttonholes as necessary. Bind off.

I did the 1st row and it was fine. The 2nd row I’m not sure of. I did the K 6, p1, k1; to the last 5 sts, k 5. The problem is The last 6 sts are K. So I have 6 K, on each side.

I start each row with K 6, p1, k 1 to last 6 sts. which are K (which is how it works out).

I sure am not getting a rib st. What am I doing wrong?:??

I believe that you’re supposed to consistently have 5 knits on each edge. Sometimes this will be 6 because of the kp sequence. Think of it this way:

k5 / kpkpkp. . . . . . . .pk/ k5 With an odd number of stitches, you’ll end on a knit with the ribbing.

On the way back,

k5 / pkpkpk. . . . . . . .kp/ k5

This way you don’t have to think of anything as having k6, but rather k5 plus kpkpkp

Thanks, I think I understand, will try it. Thanks again.

It might help if you put markers seperating the first and last K5 from the rest of the pattern. That way when you get to the marker you know you are at edge stitches.