
Hello, I’m a new knitter from Brisbane Australia. I’m trying to knit socks and am hoping to get some help with some weird things that are happening. Happy knitting : ))

Welcome to KH. Ask about what’s not working for you. Knowing the name of your pattern and designer or having a link to the pattern is very helpful.

Knitting the shutter monkey dodle socks. When I’m doing the knit stitch for the leg and the gusset decreases, I always end up with the last stitch twisted around the needle so it looks like two stitches. When I knit, I make sure the yarn in held behind.

And, I think my other problem was that, when knitting the gusset decrease, when moving to a different needle, I was knitting too tightly.
Oh, and thank you for replying : ))

Welcome to the forum!

It seems as though both problems may be due to knitting too tightly. Too much tension on the yarn can pull a stitch over the needle (similar to the turn in German short rows). When using magic loop or dpns, pulling on the yarn strand or knitting tightly to avoid ladders will also affect the tension. Think “firmly” rather than “tightly” when you work these sts and see if that helps.

It’s a very neat looking pattern.

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I’m not a sock knitter so I don’t know if this is specifically related to socks, however I thought I’d chip in…
If you find the knitting twisting around the needle you may need to pause to straighten it out now and then so that all the fabric, and stitches, are presenting nicely (for me this would usually be when there are only a few rows worked).
I’m not sure when you are noticing this twisted stitch that looks like 2 stitches, sometimes new knitters take the yarn over the left needle at the beginning of a row (the yarn is being held behind but has travelled there the wrong way) and this pulls the first stitch up making it present as 2 legs or like 2 stitches. If you bring the yarn over to the front and draw it down (straightening the stitch on the needle), then take it behind between the needles, there should hopefully be less chance of this happening.

Thank you. I’ll keep that in mind. I really appreciate you replying : ))

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Thank you all for replying. Lots to keep in mind

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If you are kniing in the round from the top down I might be able to help


Any suggestions would be great. The above replies have made me a better knitter. It turns out that; although I was bringing the working yarn under the working needle, when you get to the leg of the sock, you need to bring the yarn under the working needle and needle 3.