Hello I need help!

I am knitting from Kim Hargreaves Winter Blooms book “Indigo” page 99 but I started on page 100 Left front. As part of the cable pattern which is 10 rows row 9 you have to make a stitch. By the time you ave completed the 20 rows you have more stitches on the needle. I am confused and cannot see where I am going wrong. I have pulled back the pattern on numerous occasions. Now very frustrated. Can anyone help please? Thank you.

Welcome to KnittingHelp!

I don’t have this pattern but the photo looks like 2 6-stitch cables next to each other. There usually aren’t increases within these cables.
Can you quote row 9, the row with the increase as it is given? Don’t give us a large portion of the pattern due to designer copyright. Just row 9 will be enough.

Are you sure the increases are to be repeated on subsequent rows? I’m thinking there might be a one time increase row for the cables to avoid the dreaded cable flare. I don’t know, just a guess. As salmonmac said, seeing the row of instructions would be helpful. You might look ahead and see if there will be decreases before the bind off, that would IMO indicate that it’s meant to eliminate cable flare.


Thank you for your quick response.
Row 9…slip marker onto right needle, M1, moss st. Etc. I have 34 stitches at this point. I’m asked to work a further 20 rows increasing a stitch at the beg of the 11th row. Within the 20 rows I will have increased on the 11th row and the M1 as part of the cable pattern I am left with 36 stitches on my needle which is one to many for the size I’m making.

A question do I only M1 for the first time as part of the cable pattern? Meaning do I not M1 every time???
I hope this makes sense.
Thank you


Thank you for your response.

I think you could be right that the make one is a one off. Having I think a light bulb moment. I hope we are right.

Thank you


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Yes, I agree with GG, M1 only on the first mention. The cables don’t have increases in them as they are worked up the front. It’s quite common to increase initially in order to go from ribbing to a cable pattern. The cable draws the knit fabric in and takes more sts to maintain the garment shape.
Unless the pattern says to increase every so many rows, don’t work the increase and definitely not within the cable.

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Thank you for your advice. I will give that ago. Very helpful information. Thank you and to the other responses.

Kind regards


Please let us know how this works out and we always love pictures. Feel free to post photos.

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