Heart Pillow

Made a Heart Pillow for my girlfriend George (nickname)
Used Bernat Boa cuz I didn’t like the way the fun fur felt. She picked the color: Jay.

It’s for her birthday present. It turned out a little smaller than I was hoping it would, so I don’t really know if she’ll really be able to use it. But…hopefully if nothing else it’ll be a nice decorative pillow.

Cast on last night and finished seaming and stuffing tonight. Working straight through, probably would have only been a few hours. I like these little projects. :slight_smile:

And now back to our regularly scheduled program: Starsky!

Cute!!! :heart:

A nice pillow like that will always find its place somewhere!

Ahh, that’s adorable! :smiley:

I’m sure she’ll love it - it is so cute!

Great job! :thumbsup:

What a great friend you are :smiley: I love, love your :heart:

That looks great! Much better than my heart pillow. I wish I had used that yarn instead of the Fun Fur, I hate how the fun fur feels!

What method did you use to sew the two pieces together? Just whip stitch?

I don’t know what ‘method’ it is. I just held the pieces together, pushed the needle up through them from the bottom, around, and back up through the bottom.

That is super cute! Good job!!

Cute! I love the color!