Shape raglan armholes
Caste off 3 St at beginning of next two rows
Keeping pattern correct shape as back until 40 St remain. (Raglan instructions right side k1, s1 k1, psso … k last 3 St’s… k2 together k1)
Shape neck…k1, s1, psso… pattern 11 St’s turn… leave remaining St’s on holder.
This is where I keep going wrong…
I am left with 12 stitches to shape one side of neck.
Still dec at armhole as before. Dec 1st at neck edge for next 6 rows. THEN DECREASE at armhole edge only as before until only 2 St’s remaining . Work 2 together. Fasten off.
… part of the problem is the pattern falls in this section which increases the stitches for the lace effect … but the decrease stitches which would correct this have dropped off with the neck edge decrease earlier (6).
So I have too many stitches. Which makes this part of the raglan too long to match back.
…on the double knit instructions… it states decrease 1 St on neck edge every row and arm edge as before until 2 St remains,… that makes better sense to me.