Having trouble with loops

I knitted a scarf with double rib knitting, and then accidentally lost a loop and couldn’t find it, so I decided to take the scarf off the needles, drop a couple of rows and cast on again.
At first I tried to knit and pick up loops (which I managed to do almost perfectly last time), but now I can’t do it as well as I should. I also tried to just add loops without knitting them, but when I continued to knit it was relatively clear that some important loops remained wrong at the bottom.
The scarf is almost finished and I don’t want to just throw away everything I’ve done because of such a small mistake, but I don’t know what to do with it either. Any help, please?

(the first few rows are my attempt to fix everything, but it looks and feels wrong)
(also sorry for bad English, it’s not my native language)

Hi Kaleida, I find ripping out ribbing and then picking up those stitches quite difficult, those pesky little purl stitches at the back sometimes get missed and then I’m back to square one. What I usually do is get a set of double pointed needles the same size or smaller, and without ripping out your work, pick up the first leg of all the knit stitches of your last ‘good’ row with a DPN. Flip your work around and with another DPN, do the same thing on the same row. Then I’d rip out the rows that need reknitting. Then put all those stitches back on one needle in the correct order. It’s a little fiddly and time consuming but I find it easier than trying to pick up loops from ripped rib work, or worse, starting again. It’s beautifully knit by the way, it would be a shame to rip it all out. There will be lots of other ways to do what you need I’m sure and probably better and easier but this works for me.
Best of luck
S x

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That’s a good idea to use the 2 needles because I find it hard to pick up purls when putting in a needle or life line lower down.

Here’s another way, identifying a single column ith a problem and dropping 1 stitch to rework it back up.

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