Having trouble with a pattern

I purchased a pattern for a child’s knitted and beaded necklace called Glam Girl Necklace from Shaina Bilow on Etsy.
I have been knitting with beads but have not done it this way before. I think I am following the pattern, ending up with a total of 82 stitched on my needle to start Row 1. When I count the stitches I am experiencing a problem with the pattern and wonder if you could help me.
I count 82 stitches on my needle for the beginning row after putting on all the stitches. When I knit Row 1 - I end up with 2 stitches left over. What is it that I am doing wrong? Knit 32 at beginning and also at the end 32 stitches, I should have 16 stitches, but I have 18.
I haven’t got the slightest idea of what I am doing wrong.
Please help.

What’s supposed to happen between the 16 stitches at each end? Maybe I’m not understanding the context. If it’s work even I also come up with 18 st in the middle. If the next row requires 16 in the middle you’ll need to decrease two.

Ravelry link because IMO better photos.

The pattern reads: leaving a 12” tail, make a slipknot, CO 1, (1B CO2) repeat between ( ) 15 times total, 2B, CO 2, 3B, CO 2, 4B, CO2, 5B, CO2, 6B, CO 2, 5B, CO2, 4B, CO2,3B, CO2, 2B, CO2, (1B, CO2) repeat between ( ) 15 times total. I counted this to be 82 stitches on needle
then, Row 1 reads:
K2 sts., 1B, K2, 2B, K2, 3B, K2, 4B, K2, 5B, K2, 4B, K2, 3B, K2, 2B, K2, 1B, K2, K32 stitches. I counted this and this is where I have 2 sts too many. several other things it says in the Notes - necklace is worked from outer beaded edge in towards the neck.

  • beads are placed between stitches as you cast on and work the necklace.
  • the centre of the necklace is ishaped with short rows.

Hope this helps to understad what is going on.

Assuming B means to have the given number (ex 4B) of beads between stitches I count 18 sts knit which should leave 32 st. 32+18+32=82. Did you perhaps miscount when working the part between the 32 st on each end? Someone else may be able to ID the problem. Fingers crossed.

If you leave out the beads which are added between sts the row becomes:
slipknot, CO 1, (CO2) x 15 total, CO 2, CO 2, CO2, CO2, CO 2, CO2, CO2, CO2, CO2, ( CO2)x 15 times total.
1slip knot+1+30+18+30=80 sts

Thanks for the pattern name, Lilytlady and for the link,GG. I know someone who will love this necklace!

Okay, but on next row, Row 1, the pattern reads k32 then K2 x 8 = 16, then k32 which is 2 stitches extra. This is where the problem lies.

32 + 18 + 32 = 82 instead of 80 in the cast on row.

Does the 3rd row then call for 82sts or 80sts or something else?

(Ah, I see. I was getting 52sts in Row 1.)

Are you missing the last k2 before the asterisk? I’m counting 9 k2’s including the last one. That would account for the two stitch discrepancy you’re having. A last k2 or other instruction is easy to miss and I’ve done it who knows how many times. Symmetrically speaking it might work out better if the co is 2 fewer and the last k2 after the rpts is dropped.

32+16+32 = 80 for Row 1.

I’m assuming the portion posted is accurately copied from the pattern. I count 9 sets of k2 before k32. I did copy/paste, I did not type it out myself. If you want to eliminate the k2 right before k32, your cast on would be 80. If you want to work the pattern as written, you’ll need to stick with 82. If I’m wrong, someone point out where please.

I thought I would let you know I got it.! 9 IMG_0352|684x1200

The color is a bit wrong, but I am very happy with the result. Bracelet cuff and necklace for little girls.

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Here is a pic of the finished set.


Well done, you! And again thank you for the pattern and idea. Definitely know a little girl who will love these.

Very sweet! What was your solution to the problem?

I was miscounting - it seems that I do this.

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I try for 2 out of 3 when I count. Then maybe 3 out of 5. I totally understand.

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One of the worst things about learning to knit was finding out I can’t reliably count to 20…or any number, really.

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Once in the Houston Airport I was knitting between flights. A woman sitting nearby told me she could never knit because she didn’t like counting. Just as well.

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Hilarious! I am so enjoying hearing about this “affliction” we seem to have.
Mathematicians we aren’t!

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