Have I gone back to front?

Hi. I am a newbie and trying to knit a lovely blanket for my baby to be :slight_smile: I have been pleased to work out this pattern so far however it has suddenly all gone wrong and unfortunately took quite a few rows for me to stop and take a look at my progress to see that I have made a booboo. It looks to me that I am now back to front. Does this mean I have missed a row? I am surprised if so as I have written the number of the rows 7-14 as I have gone and crossed them off once the row is finished but it is definitely not right.

I take it I need to pull all the rows until I return to a correctly stitched row which I have already managed to find.

Thanks in advance for helping, Lucy

The pattern is:- https://hcathenablobs.blob.core.windows.net/athena-live/622945_1000_little-girl-pink-baby-blanket.pdf?sv=2020-08-04&st=2022-07-04&se=2023-07-04&sr=b&sp=r&sig=M3225YCeQhIaIUcRq3KNE1sCB1RhoTT3pMoRK0CUI0U%3D

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You’re right, but otherwise your knitting looks great for a beginner!

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Thanks Shintoga. Needed to check before I unravel it and make it even worse!

I looks like you simply skipped or repeated a row making the RS (public side) row when working on the WS (inner facing side).

In essance: Your last few rows were just worked “inside out”

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Oh, “back to front” or “inside out” have the same meaning. Are we on opposite sides of the pond? (UK vs US English?)


Lovely knitting and beautiful pattern.
Congrats on the expected bundle too.

Do you know how to put a life line in?
A thread (I prefer a thinner smooth thread like an embroidery cotton but a piece of coloured yarn is ok) placed into the row you want to keep so that when you pull the incorrect rows out it saves your stitches at that point. From there you can thread them onto a knitting needle. You can go straight in with a thin knitting needle but I find that harder especially with the complexity of lace and cables to contend with.

Here’s a video

There’s a chance you may miss a stitch or two with the life line (I do) so it’s a good idea to have some safety pins or detatchable stitch markers ready to catch those.


Hi Creations. Thanks so much for replying. I figured as Shintoga replied then noone else would reply and be as helpful as you! I wish I had read your reply before before I pulled out rows of stitches then picked up the last row one stitch at a time! That method looks a lot more suitable than what I did. However I have ended with 152 stitches they are just orientated on the needle incorrectly but I can correct that as I go.

The trouble I have is that I do not know if I have taken out enough rows and where on the pattern I need to start from! What a mess! I think the row I now have on the needle is the 8,10,12,14 (pattern below) which I believe is right. I’m thinking there are 4 holes in the “V” and I have taken it down to 2 holes so maybe I need to start from row 11? And the pattern starts K2, k2tog, yo, which is where the diagonal part of the pattern starts…at a total guess!

I wish I was an old hand at this and knew what on earth I was doing. I only have 20wks to finish which sounds ages but I have one prescious hr a night to learn and knit and if I keep going this wrong I will never get there! Plus I wrote the number of the row as I go so one would think I should not have gone wrong. Doh.

Thank you again.

*Row 7 (RS): K4, k5, yo, ssk, k4, p2, k4, p2; rep from * to last 15 sts, k5, yo, ssk, k8.
*Rows 8, 10, 12, and 14: K4, p11, k2, p4, k2; rep from * to last 15 sts, p11, k4.
*Row 9: K4, k3, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k3, p2, C4B, p2; rep from * to last 15 sts, k3, k2tog, yo, k1, yo, ssk, k7.
*Row 11: K4, k2, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, ssk, k2, p2, k4, p2; rep from * to last 15 sts, k2, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, ssk, k6.
*Row 13: K4, k1, k2tog, yo, k5, yo, ssk, k1, p2, C4B, p2; rep from * to last 15 sts, k1, k2tog, yo, k5, yo, ssk, k5.

Hi OffJumpsJack.

I think I may have repeated the WS row twice. I will not be making that mistake again!

Yes in this instance “back to front”, "inside out"are the same thing.

I am UK :slight_smile:

First of all I absolutely applaud you for having pulled out those rows SO successfully. I am in awe!

I’d say you’ve taken out enough, everything here looks to be the RS of the work.

You are correct that some stitches may be oriented incorrectly and that is really quite normal when ripping out some rows. Just catching them is the main goal which you’ve done.
So, the stitches need to be right leg forward and left leg back. Watch out for the yarn overs - think about which way the yarn was brought forward and over the needle to the back before the next stitch was worked, or the twist in the lace will go the wrong way or have more or less twist than the others.
I will add though that hand knit items have the added beauty of the love that is worked into each stitch, even the little errors hold that hand made with love quality so don’t worry too much about the odd little mistake here or there.
In terms of reorientation the stitches you might want to slip them all to another needle and turn them where needed before starting to work the row, it’s just a lot to remember in one go if you need to orient them and work the pattern at the same time.

In terms of which row you work next, I’m not experienced enough to work that out. To me it looks like you have completed a YO row (RS, the odd number rows) and will next work a WS row where the YOs are purled along the back of this lace section.
The position of your workingnyarn will show which side you are working.
The RS (side shown in photo) has the YOs, and the k2tog and ssk parts, it is also the side the cables are worked.
The WS (rows, 8, 10, 12, 14) is the WS where the backs are worked. Cable sections are knit or knit and purl, the lace section is purl 11.

Maybe what I’ve said helps you to read the fabric and work out the correct row (as actually you are doing brilliantly your own and have worked most of this out akready)… or maybe not.
I’m sure @salmonmac will be able to read this fabric and help you get the correct row if you still have trouble.


Hi Creations. Thank you again for replying and thank you for the info/advice.

I must of got lucky with unpicking the stitches. My guess of which row to start on paid off also. I was due a WS row and then having completed 2 holes I went for the 3rd RS row in the pattern and voila,pic attached :smiley: I definitely got lucky!

Thank you again. Your help has been v.much appretiated. I had my 20wk scan today so I need to up my game to get this blanket completed!!


Fabulous! You’ve done brilliantly with the pattern, and it’s pretty complex too.

You’ll have the best snuggled baby in the beautiful blanket!

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:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Hopefully Daisy will like it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I see you have already figured it out correctly. Well done!

I’d say you just earned enough XP to level up. You certainly have added a few skill point with that recovery. :+1:

(Pardon my gamer jargon, I am watching the ninja warrior atm. :upside_down_face:)