Hate feeling guilty because

I have to get my stuff done before I sit to knit - otherwise I know it won’t get done. I’m not a white glover, but I do like to be neat. I clean once a week and break up my chores over several days (thanks Flylady!). Some days I don’t have time to sit and knit during the day but lots of time I do. My DD is a senior and when she gets home early (before going to work or going back to school for a meeting or practice) we sit and watch a movie or a show we’ve recorded. I also try to schedule my naps in! LOL No seriously, I’ve always loved my naps. I get up at 5:45 and don’t go to bed between 11:00 - 12:00 … That possible 6 hrs just isn’t enough to get me through the day. I usually get dinner started in the morning or around lunchtime (crockpot or just get it planned) so I’m not stressed then either … but then I have to have dinner ready around 5pm before DD goes to rehearsal or work.

We may feel guilty for knitting sometimes but it sure beat the hell out of paying a therapist!! and cheaper too … even with expensive yarn! LOL

I WISH I felt more guilty! If I don’t look up and look around, I can’t see the dishes/laundry/dust! Ha! I try to tell myself “I’ll do ABC before XYZ” but somehow it doesn’t work. DH is gone all next week and I’m anxious to see how it all goes. I’m thinking the house will somehow stay cleaner and I’ll get more knitting done…I don’t know why that is the case…Maybe I’ll finish a sock or two too!

How does that song go??? One less bell to answer, one less egg to fry! His begin gone will mean less work because as knitters we don’t make messes, we just sit and knit.

I hope you enjoy your week of knitting bachelorette style living. LOL now CO that sock girlfriend! I CO this morning so we can have a contest to see who finishes first!

:slight_smile: Bachelorette huh? Still have the kiddos home though! Haha! How can I get them to take more naps? Okay! It’s 6pm, off to bed you go! Tee hee. I see a week of PJs and PBJs…

Bad mom, bad mom!

Duct tape, rope, babysitters, and when all else fails, go to your room usually works really well!

At least there is bedtime and school to look forward to.

You`re not a bad mom, bad mom, just one with a wonderful addiction to pointy sticks and beautifully colours soft fibers.

This is actually the hubby and I fight about all the time. I complain that I never get any time to sit and knit or read or sew in peace and quie b/c there are always chores to be done or dogs to walk and he needs to be more helpful. His response is that the dishes and laundry don’t bother him (he has 3 months worth of boxers) and he never used to change sheets and towels everyweek (ah to be a male college student) so he doesn’t see why I feel so compelled to clean. He thinks that if I want to knit or read then jus sit down and knit. He doesn’t get that I cannot enjoy knitting knowing there are dishes in the sink or laundry overflowing the hamper. When I was single cleaning never bothered me in the least - in a sick sort of way I kind of enjoyed kicking of the stereo and getting it done. Now trying to keep up with the hubby and 2 dogs there’s just no end to the dishes, dog fur and laundry.
However, right now I am on call at he hosp with no patients to see and no chores to do so I shall retire to my knitting :happydance:

Enjoy!!! :knitting:

i am sooo with you!

Oh gosh, yes. Join THE Club. But, I figure, after doing laundry, cleaning the house, cooking, etc., for so darned many years it can all wait and give me a chance to do what ‘I’ want to do for a change. No one will give a hoot a hundred years from now and besides that as I heard Joan Rivers say one time years ago, “You clean house today and have to do it again six months later.” We ALL need time for just ourselves, it should not make us feel guilty - but I do for some reason. Maybe it is good for the soul - a little bit of guilt now and then???