I have to get my stuff done before I sit to knit - otherwise I know it won’t get done. I’m not a white glover, but I do like to be neat. I clean once a week and break up my chores over several days (thanks Flylady!). Some days I don’t have time to sit and knit during the day but lots of time I do. My DD is a senior and when she gets home early (before going to work or going back to school for a meeting or practice) we sit and watch a movie or a show we’ve recorded. I also try to schedule my naps in! LOL No seriously, I’ve always loved my naps. I get up at 5:45 and don’t go to bed between 11:00 - 12:00 … That possible 6 hrs just isn’t enough to get me through the day. I usually get dinner started in the morning or around lunchtime (crockpot or just get it planned) so I’m not stressed then either … but then I have to have dinner ready around 5pm before DD goes to rehearsal or work.
We may feel guilty for knitting sometimes but it sure beat the hell out of paying a therapist!! and cheaper too … even with expensive yarn! LOL