Hat pattern

Hi everyone. I have a hat pattern that says k2 k1uls,k5 to last k1uls,p1, SL3 (2 of the slipped stitches will need to be slipped from previous round) does that mean I still slip 2 more after the sL3? Or the 2 slipped stitches are from the last sl3? I can’t figure it out. And help would be appreciated. Thanks :blush:

The 2 slipped sts are from the last 3 slipped sts (2 out of those 3 will be from the previous round).

Thanks so very much. I just couldn’t figure it out at all lol. I appreciate your help :blush:

(Attachment Diamondbeaniecopy3.pdf is missing)

I can’t figure this pattern out at all. I get as far as 12. And the rows where you knit 3 rows. I get confused with mostly with the slip stitches. I haven’t done a pattern like this before. I don’t know where I place the
stitch marker after the slipped stitches either. I don’t know if you can help me out? Thanks

The lady i purchased the pattern from will not respond to my message

The pattern didn’t post but that’s just as well. We can’t post large portions of patterns here due to designer copyrights.
Can you tell us the name of the designer of the diamond beanie?
You can post a couple of rows if you think that might help. It’s possible that using stitch markers to keep track of slipped sts or pattern repeats will help.

Yes it’s by The Crochet Hook. I will post a few rows a little later. I have been using stitch markers as well. I don’t know what it is about this pattern but I just can’t seem to get it through my noddle lol. I have been trying and trying and trying. I tried
different ways with the stitch marker. Thanks so very much. Sorry for being such a nuisance lol


I’m assuming the k1uls is a knit one under the loose strand. Are you working the stitch like this:

You’ll be pulling up the loose strand from the slip 3 sts and working that strand into the knit stitch of the current row. The knit stitch in the current row will be in a column with the middle stitch of the slip 3. That’s a good way to check that you are in pattern. That check may be more of a help than stitch markers but see if it helps.

Please delete the second photo of the pattern. All we need is the first photo. We can’t post large portions of patterns due to designer copyrights. If you have trouble editing your post using the pencil icon in the lower right of the post, let me know.

Yes that’s correct with the strands. I just don’t know where I am suppose to place the stitch marker. I slip 3 where would the stitch marker go? After the first slip,second slip or the third slip? That’s basically where I’m having trouble. I’ll will try to
delete one of the photos. If I know how. If not I’ll let you know. And thanks for your help my darling. Have a great day :heart:

Thanks so much. I tried deleting one photo I’m not sure if I did it correctly. :blush:

Place the stitch marker after the first slip stitch. When you come to the marker on row 13, work the Kuls. That way the lifted strand will become part of the stitch directly over the second of the 3 slipped stitches. You can always trace that stitch column up to make sure you’re working into the correct stitch.
The marker is going to shift for the next set of slipped sts (row 14) but if you always keep it between the first and second slipped sts you should be fine.

Aww that’s what I was wondering about. Where I should place the stitch markers. And I had it right until the 14th row. Then I got lost because it seemed the stitch marker had to go in a different place. Makes perfect sense when you’re saying. God love ya.
I would never get it done without ya. Thanks a bunch and for your patience as well. Enjoy your day :green_heart:

I can’t seem to get it deleted. I tried where the pencil icon is to. But I must be doing something.

Enjoy working the hat!
(I’ve taken care of the pattern. No problem.)

I will. Thanks again. And thanks for deleting those photos :blush:

I am curious about the hat pattern. I’ve Googled and can’t seem to find the pattern. I would like the name of the designer and where I can find the pattern.

Hi. Yes the hat pattern can be purchased on Etsy. The designer is Emma i do believe. The name of the shop is (Crochet and hooks) The name of the hat is the diamond beanie. Hope this helps. :blush:

I think the pattern is only $4.00. Not quite sure but it’s not much