Hat 2 Debbie Ware Violets hat

Here is the second of three hats for the little girl with cancer. The brim wasn’t as stiff as I would have liked, but I had to use 100% cotton so its kind of floppy. The violets were awful to make, not hard just hard on the hands. I am giving you two views, the front and the side to see the little wheelbarrow buttons.

Very cute :slight_smile:

Another cute girly hat. Well done. I am sure they will be much appreciated.

Another adorable little hat. Girls love stuff like this, so it should go over well.

she’ll :heart: it

Too cute!

CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!:heart:

:inlove: too cute!!


Oh that is so cute

Too too too cute!!! What a great little hat!!! :thumbsup: