Harley help

My mom will knit me a beany so i can ride this winter if i can find a harley logo and possibly some flames for it. I have a great picture of the log with flames. I have tried and tried to get it charted, even used the knitpro upload but no luck there either. could someone chart the picture form PLEASE!!! or direct me to an existing pattern chart containing the HD, or harley logo.
I don’t know what else to do.
BTW my mom is 70 and learned to knit using the internet. She happens to be a little shy and lurks here a lot.
thanks for any help
murfreesboro tn

What about this one or this one?

Harley chic here. I have never tried the logo in knit form. It may be easier w/o the letters and just do the crest/shield. My personal fav or using little skulls and flames which are readily avail in charts. SnB Nation book even had a killer flame sweater.

Best of luck!

Try using this website : http://microrevolt.org/knitPro.htm
You can just post the picture of the logo and it will generate a chart for you.
Good luck! Let us know how it turns out!:cheering:
lotsa love, lulu

thanks for help.
i did the microrevolt and couldnt get it to work but i tried again and it worked.
thanks to all.