I have a couple of my mother’s (who is in her 60s) baby sweaters, given to me years ago by my grandmother for my DD to wear as a baby (she is now 21, and she did). My favorite is a knitted one, all white with reverse stockinette bands.
Anyway, since I started knitting, I’ve wanted that pattern for future baby knitting. Actually, wanted is far too tame for how I feel about the pattern.:drool: It’s a timeless, unisex pattern, and I’ve been searching for it unsuccessfully for months now. I’ve even gone so far as to buy several lots of old baby patterns through eBay in hopes of finding the pattern, but without luck.
Until today when the last auction lot arrived! In it was Beehive for Bairns, Vol. 4. Behold! [B][I]The[/I][/B] pattern I’ve been looking for, the Quaker Set. :woot:
I just had to share my triumph with those who understand this sickness of mine. Thanks for letting me crow. Now we return to our regular programming… and I’ll start my search for the perfect lace weight yarn for this adorable little sweater…