Half-patchwork and half-freeform KIMONO is done!


It does look like a lot of work! It looks great on you, you always knit so beautifully:inlove: By the way, i :inlove: your stockings bold color:thumbsup:

Absolutely gorgeous Lima!! Great job!

Beautiful work by a beautiful woman! I love it.

:happydance: it’s very pretty!

[FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=gray]Excuse me while I pick my jaw up off the floor.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
[B][SIZE=6][COLOR=plum]HOLY COW!!! :yay:[SIZE=5] :yay: [/SIZE]:yay:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]

Wow it’s beautiful,so original and looks great on…everything about it-just WOW

WOW!!! that. is. amazing!!!

TEMA:thumbsup: [/COLOR]

Would it be weird to ask to see it inside out? I just want to marvel at all those color changes. They are so neat and beautifully done.

That’s an amazing piece! I’d love to see the reverse side also, bet it’s meticulously sewn.

You do bold colors beautifully~

That is gorgeous! I love the colors and it looks great on you!

Wow! So unusual and striking. Nice work on it as always. I also thank you for putting the picture on so we can see it right here on KH.

…very much!:muah:

Wow! That’s just gorgeous and very striking it. I love the shaping of the sleeves. Fantastic work! :notworthy:

Gorgeous! :heart:

Fantastic work! Congratulation!

WOW! That is really beautiful! I love the flutter sleeves and the colorway.


Great kimono on pretty lady!:cheering:

Wow, really cool! LOOK at all those color changes…