Growing Pains

Okay, a really good friend of mine (knitter, quilter, crocheter, sewer) told me that I am never going to grow as a knitter unless I push the envelope and try new things in knitting. She literally told me to put down the scarves! :teehee: So I am trying the cabled poncho from Lion Brand and it is giving me headaches. I am so not used to cabling in the front of the work. I have frogged this project 3 times now :frog:. The pattern is not hard, I just make stupid mistakes. I HATE growing pains!

I’m not willing to give up, though. Even though It’s frustrating to keep frogging, I do look forward to mastering this pattern!! :aww:

You go, girl! :slight_smile: You can do it! Cabling really can be annoying and fussy, but I promise you’ll get the hang of it.

Also, it’s possible to fix cables without frogging! It’s fussy too, but might be less frustrating than all the frogging.

I’m embarking on my second cabling project ever, so I know where you are. :cool: Now, have you done intarsia yet? That’s the thing that’s scaring me…

WHOA, NELLY! Baby steps for me… :teehee: :teehee:

Good for you! I think it’s really true that you need to try new things in order to become a better knitter though. Sometimes things scare me, but I give it a go and follow the directions- what’s the worst that can happen?

Have you ever thought of doing something like a cabled scarf? You’re still learning something new, but doing it with something you still feel comfortable doing. :slight_smile:

my thought EXACTLY!!!
there are SO MANY scarves you can make to learn various techniques, just look at the Lynne Barr book on scarves i just got, it is GREAT, with new and fancy ways of doing things.
make the one that looks like Jacob Marleys Chains, learn I-chord, and Kitchner stitch, over and over again
do I sound crazy?
I love knitting, even smaller projects. someday I will make an afghan/blanket, right now I M struggling with a pair of slippers

oh well


you go girl! i have done only 1 cabling piece just to get the hang of it…nothing big…just CO’ed my 1st SWEATER!!!

I am currently making the palindrome scarf. But the cabling seems so much easier than this poncho. Maybe it is the weight of the yarn that is making it harder for me. :slight_smile:

The Palindrome is so easy and looks wonderful when it is finished. It is reversible. It is a relatively quick knit. Instant gratification. Perhaps the poncho’s pattern is not clear or is a little to advanced for you right now. Keep trying new things but at first make sure they are attainable projects (things you CAN do). This helps boost the confidence. Once you have actually completed something with cables, go back and try the poncho again, perhaps using a different yarn. Maybe it’s the yarn that is screwing you up, not the cables…

Good luck!

You go, girl. I’m proud of ya!!!