Great American Aran Afghan

Hopefully this is in the right place, and is not a repeat thread. If it is, I apologzie.

My next ongoing project is going to be the Great American Aran Afghan(GAAA). I was hoping there are some other people who have completed it, and could give me some yarn suggestions. I really need something on the cheaper side as I’m a college student. And preferably something not even remotely itchy,so wool is pretty much out. I was thinking Brown Sheep cotton fleece, but I’m not sure how that would work out. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

You could use any worsted weight washable yarn. Lion Woolease is a wool/acrylic blend and there’s lots of nice worsted acrylics too - Caron Simply soft, some of the RH yarns, Bernat and paton’s have quite a few nice yarns in acrylics or blends.

Here is something I always do these days! I look at all the other Ravelry projects for an item! You get LOTS OF JUICE and ideas about yarn, and in some cases, modifications that are interesting! Lots of advice, lots of do’s and don’ts!

Click here to read about other GAAA projects at Ravelry! There are 1,353 GAAA’s to look at! You will certainly get a good idea about all sorts of different yarns, and what they look like! Click each square and read what the knitter has to say, and what yarn she used.

Click here to JOIN RAVELRY, a (free) knitter’s website, that is if you are not already a Raveler!