My very pregnant daughter just finished graduate school in communications engineering. Our new baby Emma Lou will be arriving in the next few weeks. And no, that’s not me in the pics. She had a 4.0 grade average in high school, tech, and now graduate school.
Graduation picture
Congratulations to her!! :yay:
A graduate school and a baby on the way? Impressive! Congratuations to both of you!
She got the schooling done just under the wire. Now she can coast at least until the baby gets here. Her class project right before graduation was converting a gasoline engine truck to electric power. Not sure exactly what she does. It’s something like electrical engineering, communications, computers. The point is she got it done before the kids came. It’s difficult to finish your education once you become a parent. She can write her own ticket now when she’s ready to go to work after the baby is older.
Wow, congratulations! You must be so excited!
Congratulations to you both. Very well done!