Hi guys! I’m finally getting into my last year in Girl Scouts and my leaders suggested that I do my Gold Award on charity knitting.
The idea that I have right now is that I have a small mini-drive for yarn, needles, and excess cloth. Then, I could go around teaching small groups of other Girl Scout troops and small interested school groups how to knit/sew/crochet.
Later on, I could start a community semi-craft fair to teach people how to create toys, cards, gloves, mittens, scarves, etc. to charity groups/children’s hospitals. If not start, then find out when the next vendor sale is going to be at my high school. An alternate to that is to just create an event associated with young girl scouts to encourage creativity and donate crafts to places. I could then use that as the mark of the beginning of a drive to create handmade gifts to uh… places. I’m not really sure, but that’s all I’ve got for now. :doh:
Any ideas? Charities I could donate to? Help?