I am working on a pattern that is broken down into 3 sections: section A=12 sts; Section B =13 sts & section C =15sts for a total of 40 CO sts.
Section A : k2tog, k2, yo, k1, yo, (slip1 k1 psso), yo , k5
Section B: (slp1, k2tog,psso), k2, yo, k1, yo, (slp1, k1, psso), yo, k5
Section C: (slp1, k2tog, psso), k2, yo, k1, yo, (slp1, k1, psso), k5, (slp1, k1, psso)
These 3 rows should equal 40 stitches as per pattern breakdown. I can’t seem to make this happen, ending with 1 short or over !! HELP