Going crazy!

I am working on a pattern that is broken down into 3 sections: section A=12 sts; Section B =13 sts & section C =15sts for a total of 40 CO sts.
Section A : k2tog, k2, yo, k1, yo, (slip1 k1 psso), yo , k5
Section B: (slp1, k2tog,psso), k2, yo, k1, yo, (slp1, k1, psso), yo, k5
Section C: (slp1, k2tog, psso), k2, yo, k1, yo, (slp1, k1, psso), k5, (slp1, k1, psso)

These 3 rows should equal 40 stitches as per pattern breakdown. I can’t seem to make this happen, ending with 1 short or over !! HELP


Can you tell us the name/number and designer of the pattern please, or a link to it?

I’m not surprised you’re going crazy with this.

The panels do use the given number of stitches for each section, but they do not end with the same number. There may be a part in your pattern which says not to count stitches on certain rows, some patterns say this when the number changes through a pattern.

Section A uses 12 but results in 13
Section B uses 13 and results in 13
Sections C uses 15 but results in 13

Edited to say sorry I added up right but then in my haste hit the wrong key on my tablet. I’ve corrected it and hope I didn’t cause confusion. Also thanks salmonmac.

Welcome to KH!
It seems like a random error if you are sometimes under the stitch count and sometimes over.
I get the stitch count for each section before you work it as:
A 12sts
B 13sts
C 15sts

After you work the rows the stitch count goes to:
A 13sts (3 increases and 2 decreases)
B 13sts (increases equal decreases)
C 13sts (2 increases and 4 decreases)

The k2tog and slip, knit pass each decrease one stitch.
The slip, k2tog, pass decreases 2sts.

Markers at the sections will help with the stitch counts and help tracking down the error. I go back over the row and name the sts in order to find a mistake.