Glitten Video KAL - Update 1/26

Oh, I hope I’m not biting off more than I can chew, but I’ve decided to do a [I]video[/I] assist KAL. I’m going to need a new pair of gloves for my job and these will be just perfect cause it’s really cold outside and well… I work outside. Plus I have a friend that’s intimidated to knit them so I told her I’d keep her posted on my blog. Then one thing led to another…

These are the “Glittens” that Melinda (aka WildMountainHoney) was nice enough to post pictures of her fabulous and quite colorful pair. You can view her Glitten posting [U][COLOR=#800080]here.[/COLOR][/U] The pattern that Melinda used and that I’ll be using can be found on the side bar on [U][COLOR=#800080]this[/COLOR][/U] blog. It’ll be a great way to learn how to do this plus I’m hoping other knitters will join in and share some of their knowledge.

[CENTER][B]The Glitten Pattern is [/B][U][COLOR=#800080][B]here[/B][/COLOR][/U][B] and a pictorial page [/B][U][COLOR=#800080][B]here[/B][/COLOR][/U][B].[/B][/CENTER]

Since I’m new to YouTube, I had all these videos seperated as different playlists. I now see that one playlist containing all the videos regarding knitting this glitten would work better and clean up my YT page. So all the videos can now be found at this address

How sweet for you to do this !!! Thank you!

:shrug: When I look at this pattern it looks to me like the x’s on the chart should be the secondary color, but the pattern says they are showing the MC. Does anyone know? This is the first time I’m reading from somebody else’s chart.

The pattern I’m using for the front of my glitten is this:

The chart (A)doesn’t even look like the finished mitten,looks like total different pattern to me.

If you look at Melinda’s (WildMountainHoney) post it looks like she used the pattern. Granted she used a self striping yarn but it still looks like the x’s are the 2nd color rather than the main color. Anywho… I’m just doing work mitts so it doesn’t matter that much. :slight_smile:

Are you gonna help me figure this out? :knitting:

OH OH OH! I think I was doing the weaving wrong. Something didn’t quite look right on the inside so I [I]carefully [/I]watched that videoagain on weaving and think I got it. Somebody please correct me if I’m wrong…

Basically it’s when knitting more than 2 stitches from the right hand more than two stitches the first stitch is regular then it alternates with the woven stitch. I’m still not sure if it’s 2 plus more or just more than 2, but I’ll keep an eye on those stitches in the back and see if one makes more sense than the other.

For the LEFT hand anything more than 1 stitch needs to be a “pretend stitch” but again the first stitch on the left hand is a regular stitch. I was doing them all as “pretend” stitches.

You’ll have to watch the video link above to know what a pretend stitch and woven stitch are. Are there actually real names for those stitch maneuvers?

Ok, I just frogged back to my life line and I’m going to start again with the color change. See, now you know why I put that in there? :wink:

I am interested in this but I already have too may WIP:shrug: I’ll be reading along preparing for the day my needles are empty–at least one pair :lol:

Though I doubt anyone just jumped in there with needles, yarn and project idea in hand awaiting how to do this; BUT if there’s an interest I am in the process of uploading video 6 which shows the thumb gusset increase on row 7 using M1R (or M1B as Amy likes to call it) and a M1L (or M1F per Amy again) rather than K1F&B as calls for in the instructions. Using k1F&B didn’t look right with the color change at that point too.

Obviously there are great videos here which show exactly the same thing I’m doing, but they don’t have the color change dilemma that this pattern introduces.

I have to leave (37% uploaded), but it should be easy enough to find the video without the direct link.

So the glittens are getting there. It has been a bit of trial and error for me, but I think after 1566 stitches I have the weave thing down pat! yeah.

Oh… so anyway, I’m about to start row 30 and so far the glittens 1) less than perfect 2) a little big but they are wool so I can shrink them a tad and 3) kinda fuggly. But these are turning out to be a great practice pair [I]and[/I] I’ll get good use out of them.

I’m up to video 9, but the first 4 don’t [I]really[/I] count.

My glitten is still in progress! Yes, I’ve learned that when doing woven fair isle that the yarn being woven needs to be held much taunter than I have done on this first mitten. Funny how they didn’t really start popping through to the front until much later. The part where the UPS is though is very nicely done I guess it having more of the contrasting sts in a row helped me to keep them tighter. Here’s what I have so far…

My 1st glitten is almost done. I’ve actually already started the second one but since I’m doing the video thing I can’t work on the first one unless I’m near the camera. I’m done with the knitting part on the first one but still have to do the seaming.
I thought it needed to be animated. :teehee:

really nice of you!

Wow, how great of you to do the vids!

I’m kinda :aww: to get the credit for inspiring ya, but thanks for linking my colorful ones too - I do love them :heart:

As far as the chart - yes, I did it backwards! The x’s should have been mc, and I chose to use a cc instead. Mainly because I had more of the red variegated yarn than I did the blue variegated!

Love the animated first one! I don’t think it’s fugly at all!!

Thanks for the tutorial–just what I need. I am attempting to make a pair of "simple’ gloves and I hope I won’t have any problems with them. I have been wanting a video tutorial on glove making, so I know I can refer to this. Thank you so much!


Yep, all I need sometimes is a little inspiration to get my buns in gear. Yes, thanks for all the information you posted WildMountainHoney it really helped a lot! If you see an area that I’ve done incorrectly please mention it. Although right or wrong, they are coming together nicely!

I can’t exactly call this a “tutorial” since I had no idea what I was doing when I started… more like a “let’s see if she can guess right”. :teehee:

I’m starting the fingers on the second glove now and the second one looks WAY better than the first. I wanted to get the video done on how to seam the finger holes and what not before starting my FL vacation but that didn’t happen. I’m here for a couple weeks so I might get around to doing the video of that; otherwise I’ll wait until I return.

I’m glad it’s been helpful for some folks. My GF is [I]still [/I]scared to try them. Good thing she likes scarves. :slight_smile: