Glengarry KAL from Folk Hats?

Hey guys, I dont know if anyone’s interested, but I definitely want to make Glengarry from Folk Hats by Vikki Square. It’s a Scottish hat and I really like the look of it :slight_smile:

humblestumble - did you knit the Glengarry? I’m teaching myself to knit to do kilt hose. I saw the Folk Hat book and the Glengarry. The Glengarry is now on my project list. Do you have any suggestions fromyour experience?

Hi Chris, I’m not sure if she made it or not but I did some searches and found that there is an Errata available for the pattern here:thumbsup:

You are every where when do you have time to knit much less anything else

:teehee: I can’t tell you my secrets