Glass Pendants

I didn’t know where to post this, but awhile ago one of our members posted about Glass Pendants that she hand makes and sells. And I can’t think of who it was or find her post.
One of her hobbys is working with glass among other things. Does anyone remember this, and could maybe direct me to her.

No clue - but I’ll pay attention to this thread! I would love to know too!

I am embarressed to tell you that I can’t remember, embarressed because I bought two from her and they are BEAUTIFUL. She makes class pendents called "Cymbalism"
Her work is BEAUTIFUL!!

HERE, I found the web site:

Hi her name on KH is larudden and she is a very nice lady.

Here is the old thread by larudden.

Her stuff is just gorgeous!


Thanks guys, I have been dreaming of owning one ever since I saw them, just didn’t have the extra cash.
Now my dream can come true, is she still has them. I will check it out.
Thanks again.

thank you thank you thank you thank you! her stuff is GORGEOUS!!! thanks again!:yay: