Gift FOs, hats and mits!

All patterns free on Ravelry, sorry didn’t look up links

The green hat is for my dad, pattern is Armondo

Blue set is for my ex-step-mom (sister’s mom), hat is lotus hat, mits are Nalu

Light green set is for my sister, hat is Amanda Hat, mits are fetching

What beautiful gifts! :thumbsup:

Lucky family…they are all beautiful

Holy moly! What a nice assortment! Can I be adopted?

All are very pretty but my favorite is the light green one. Nice job on all!

wow, everything is so well done. my favorite is the set with lotus hat-love the color and patterns. linknit41

:aww: Thanks so much all!

Artlady, how about YOU adopt me, then maybe I’d get one of those awesome sweaters you knit :rofl: :wink:


They all look terrific!

Great job! They all look fabulous!

very very gorgeous gifts…can you possibly:aww: remember the pat on Rav? I love doing hats and like to give em a try…Thanks:hug:

I did list the pattern names, you can search Ravelry for those pattern names: Armondo hat, Amanda hat, Fetching mits, Lotus hat, and Nalu mits. Or is there just one you’re looking for? I think if you click my Ravelry link in my sig, I put all the pics there too, and they’re linked to the patterns :thumbsup:

Great gifts. Love the colors.

Wow, how nice your projects came out. How long does it take to knit christmas presents. When do you start knitting. I waited to long and have falling way short of hand knitted gifts. Because I knit mostly for myself I didn’t take into account what I wanted to knit for family and how long it would take. Well, next year I will be starting in March. Making a new list and checking it twice:teehee:

Beautiful gifts.

Ever so pretty! Love them all. It must make you feel good to accomplish so much. Wish I was on your shopping list. Your family is lucky to have you.