Getting started

Hi I’m trying to challenge myself by making the cable hat, but I’m not quite understanding how to get started. I cast on 16 sts ( what’s the difference between + and a blank in the Legend? Don’t I just knit those?)
This is how I think I need to start

Cast on 16 sts
Row 1 knit
Row2 knit
Row 3 knit 6 sts then slip 3 onto CN in back k3, k3 from cable knit 4
Row 4 knit
Row 5 knit
Row 6 knit
Row 7 knit knit 9 then slip 3 onto CN leave in front k3 then k3 from cable then k1
Row 8 knit

Repeat this til you have 184 rows.

Is this a correct way? Please help thanks everyone I’m really enjoying knitting different hats and things.

Good looking hat that should be a fun knit!

Follow the chart that’s called “Chart for Peak”. The 9sts involved in the cable should be knit on the RS and purled on the WS so the blank squares should be read that way. The key doesn’t tell you that but it should. The + squares are knit on every row, RS and WS for a garter stitch edge.

You can delete the pattern pages as the link is in the Ravelry page for this free pattern. We can’t post large portions of patterns due to designer copyright. Use the pencil icon in the right of your post to edit.

I just deleted the pictures. Thank you for your help I think I get it. I’m making a mock swatch of 16 rows to see if it looks like the picture. Thanks again you are very helpful

I want to make sure I totally understand

R1: knit 16
R2: k6, P9, K1
R3: k6, slip 3 on CN in back k3 then CN 3, k4
R4: k6 p9 k1 or k6, slip 3 on CN then p3 then p3 on CN then k1
R5: k16
R6: k6, p9, k1
R7: k9, slip 3 on CN front then k3 k3 on CN k1**
R8: k6p9k1 or k6 slip 3 on CN then p3 cn3 then p3 k1

I’m new to knitting cables
Sorry for being a pest

No bother at all. It all works out to knitting back and forth in rows:
R1: knit 16
R2: k1, p9, k6
R3: k6, slip 3 on CN in back k3, then CN 3, k4
R4: K1, p9, k6
R5: k16
R6: k1, p9, k6
R7: k9, slip 3 on CN front then k3, k3 on CN, k1**
R8: K1, p9, k6

You’re always reading the chart right to left on the front or RS rows and then left to right on the back or WS rows. The cable crosses will always be on RS rows.

Thanks for your help this is what my hat looks like so far. Now I join the short edges should I bind off first then join or just join them?
In the instructions for the next part it says to arrange the 114 sts onto dpns could I use circular needles instead? I know as I decrease the stitches I will need to use dpns but I’m more comfortable with circular needles. I think I made a mistake with the very first cable didn’t realize until the end. Otherwise I’m very pleased how it came out.

It looks great! Well done.
It may be best to use mattress stitch or your favorite seam to join the bind off and the cast on edges. It’ll be sturdier that way rather than trying to graft live sts to a bound off edge although that’s an alternative. This is going to be a stretchy area of the hat.
Here’s mattress stitch in case you need it.

And here’s a video for joining live sts to a cast on edge.

If you have a 16 inch circular that would work for the hat and then you would switch to dpns. You could also use 2 circular needles of just about any length. Magic loop will work with a longer circular, maybe 32 or 40 inches.

Just finished knitting part. I ordered a faux fur Pom Pom coming today. So excited how it turned out. Too bad it’s getting warmer here. Thanks for your help on reading the pattern!

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Very nicely done! Beautiful cable and an interesting knit.