Get rid of a stain before blocking?

while knitting a jumper I accidentally spilled some tea over it. Now I´m unsure what to do about it. Should I try to get the stain out before or after blocking? Does it even make a difference?
Any advice would be appreciated!

Welcome to the forum!
The sooner you can wash out a tea stain the better. What kind of yarn are you using, acrylic, wool, a blend?
If the sweater is off the needles you can probably wash and block at the same time.

Thank you :slight_smile:
I´m using wool. Unfortunately I´m still working on this piece and it´ll take me a few days to finish, so I´ll try my luck with shampoo now. Thanks for your help!

Yes, I would try something now even if it means sliding the sts off the needle onto a piece of scrap yarn. You can thread a tapestry needle with the scrap yarn and draw through the sts on the needle, then remove the needle.
In the worst case (I hope, hope not) that you can’t get the stain out there’s no sense putting more work into the piece. It would be time to regroup and think again.
Fingers crossed!

Alternately, if the tea stain does not come out, make more tea and dye the rest of the wool. :upside_down_face:


Or add appliqué!

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Haha, as a last resort, why not! The jumper is for my fiancé who´s in the military, so maybe a camouflage pattern?

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Luckily most of the stain came out! I´ll leave it for now because all the dabbing made the stitches fray a bit. I´ll finish the piece and wash it properly after blocking.
Thank you so much for your help!


Glad to know that you were able to treat this stain. Have fun finishing the sweater!

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Ladies and gentlemen… dry shampoo.
I can´t believe I didn´t think of this earlier, it worked like a charm and there´s no need to rub or dab it with a cloth so no fraying the wool. So I´m sharing in case anyone else has this problem :slight_smile:
And from now on, no more tea while knitting.


Or put your tea in one of these…
Screenshot_20221013_153016 :upside_down_face:


Thank you!!! I must get some dry shampoo. If it worked on your terrible tea stain it should work for removing spots on any wool knits! I never use the stuff so don’t have any and wouldn’t think to try it myself.

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