Hi all,
I have a pattern that is knit in the round then to shape a funnel neck and keep flat there is a call for German short rows.
There is flower type cabling that starts at the left and right neck and goes all the way down the top of the sleeves.
I have come to the short rows which I have watched videos for but I’m stuck on the pattern detail. Within the pattern instructions there are written instructions for right side and wrong side for each row.
So once I’ve worked right side row1 and turned, do I then do row two wrong side? Then when I get to the other end do I do wrong side row 1 and turn and do right side row two again?
Hope this makes sense? Thinking I’m getting myself confused, as have tinked a few times!
Any help is greatly appreciated,
German short rows and cable pattern
The short rows are usually numbered 1 on the RS then 2 on the WS. So you would ordinarily work RS row 1, WS row 2, RS row 3, WS row 4 and so on. Your pattern might number the rows differently but that’s the method I’ve seen for short rows.
What is the name and designer of your pattern?
Good Morning.
Thank you for your reply.
The pattern is the Botanique by Ayano Tanaka.
It is a 21 row repeat, and she has instructions for row 13 R/S and row 13 WS. Row 14 R/S then row 14 WS , etc with cabling before each turn.
Therefore I have RS cable, turn, WS cable, then at the other end WS cable and turn RS cable. So, just to clarify - I do row 13 R/S- turn- do row 14 cable get to the other end and do 13 again and turn and do 14 ??? And keep going?