I’m knitting up some swatches to try a few different things out.
I made a double knit “hem” to see how that works as I read it is one option in preventing curl in a st st sweater, an alternative to a rib edge.
Mine seems to be causing a curl or gauge problem.
Is a double knit edge of several rows enough to prevent a curl?
Would a double knit edge usually be done in a different size needle the way rib usually is?
Would it be normal just to k2tog across to bring the double knit into a single st st fabric, in effect keeping the “same” number of stitches (although stitch count is halved) or would it be normal to inc/dec on that row the way stitch count usually changes at the rib transition to st st?
I’m trying to work out what is causing the curl on this swatch and if I need to do anything about it or if it’s likely to resolve if a front and back were seamed.