Garter Eyelet Stitch Pattern Alteration?

[color=indigo]I have used the Garter Eyelet stitch in scarfs, for which the pattern is:

Rows 1 thru 4: k
Row 5: k2tog, yo - rep from *, end k1
Row 6: k

This produces eyelets directly above one another across the rows:



In my present scarf, I would like the eyelets to be staggered:



How would I alter the pattern stitch to get this result? [/color] :shrug:

Okay first ya gotta stop deleting stuff while I am reading it so it doesn’t disappear when I go to reply! shakes fist :wink:

I would think (and this is just thinkin’) that if you do a five stitch border you would get that result. Basically knit 2 at the beginning of the row and three at the end with your pattern in between.

Maybe? :shrug:

I have done it with baby blankets and I think they were staggered.

[color=indigo]Sorry about the delete; I realized that I had posted it in the wrong forum. :thud:

Your suggestion seems like it should work. That would yield an offset one stitch wide, yes?

Thank you.[/color]

lol that’s all right, it was just that it was the second time you did that to me in the last couple of days. I knew why you did it after I realized what forum i was looking at! :teehee:

Yeah i think that is how it would come out.

You could also do it as k1, YO, k2tog across.


[color=indigo]If done on every row, would that produce the offset I’m looking for?


[color=indigo]If done on every row, would that produce the offset I’m looking for?


Yes, because you’re moving the YO over one stitch. Try it out on some scrap yarn first; CO about 15 stitches or so and see how it works out.


[color=indigo]If done on every row, would that produce the offset I’m looking for?


Yes, because you’re moving the YO over one stitch. Try it out on some scrap yarn first; CO about 15 stitches or so and see how it works out.



It works like a charm Thanks for your help.[/color] :cheering:

It was actually right there in the little chart you drew out:


