Funfair pattern 4005

I have just finished making this item and worked to the pattern. My scarf has ended up like this.


So well named! It’s lovely.

Thank you but I’m wondering if I have gone wrong.

Do you think that you may have missed a row or repeated a row? There’s definitely a pattern change but was that not intenional? It’s difficult to see the overall pattern so close up.

Both pieces were finished on row 5 of pattern,then casted off together using 3 needle method. I was wondering if this was meant to finish off like this .

Are you thinking that the two pieces are facing different ways?

Note in the pattern that it says to place right sides together and then do the three needle bind-off.

I think you might have had a right side facing a wrong side, but it is hard to tell from the photo as it only shows a small area of your project.


This is how it’s ended.
I don’t think I can un pick the cast off stitches up.

Aha, yes kushami, that’s exactly the problem. Thanks for picking that up.
This is so lovely that it’s worth taking out the bind off and redoing as kushami indicated.
This can be unpicked similar to the way you would unpick or tink knitting. You can either place the sts on two needles, one to the front and one to the back as you pull the yarn strand out of the stitch or you can place both sts on a single needle as you pull out the yarn strand (probably more difficult).
Here’s a video for tinking that may help.

At worst you may need to reknit the last row on one side or maybe both sides to make sure you’re on the correct row for the bind off and that you have the same stitch number for each side. It’s worth the extra time to get this right.
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Thank you for your replies,suppose I could try and amend this, This scarf was a present.

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It’s worth giving it a try. Even if the join is not perfectly aligned with the pattern row repeat. it’ll still be neater. There’s so much work already in the scarf. Just be sure to count sts and make sure you have all the yarn overs accounted for. If you can join the WS rows which seem like they were straight purl rows, so much the better.
Do you have a nearby yarn shop or knitting group? They could help.

Ooh, sorry I made it sound like you have to change it. It is “knitter’s choice”, as Elizabeth Zimmermann used to say, meaning it is up to you to decide whether something is a mistake or not.

I think it will still be perfectly wearable, and if the wearer likes to do a single twist (as in, the first half of a reef knot, which I can’t think of the name of right now), then it may even be an advantage to the way the pattern faces when worn.

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