Fun Knitter

Hello Everyone,

I am new to the knitting forum. I am a beginner knitter and I am having fun. I am working on my very first cable sweater, but I have gotten stuck at the shaping of the neck i am suppose to I am suppose to work 23 sts, join 2nd skin and bind off 20 sts, work to wend. Workign sides separately and at the same time, bind off 1 st at each neck dege every other row 4 times- 16 for each shoulder. When piece measure same as Back, bind off all sts.

The pieces are separate, I have knitted the front and the back, and I don’t know how to include the neck part.


bind off 1 st at each neck dege every other row 4 times- 16 for each shoulder.

The numbers you’ve posted don’t compute. Four BOs from 23 would give you 19 sts on each shoulder.

I don’t know how to include the neck part.

What do you mean by ‘include the neck part’?

Once you’ve joined the second skein, BO the neck sts and worked to end, work WS of the one shoulder (you’re at neck). Drop that yarn, pick up the yarn for the other shoulder, BO 1 st (neck edge) and work to end. Work the RS of that shoulder to neck. Drop the yarn and pick up yarn for other shoulder, BO 1, work to end of row. Repeat this process 4x (as patt states). You can either measure the armhole to match the back… or count the rows from the base of the armhole (where shaping started) so that both pieces match.