Fox & Geese & Fences Light Checkercoard Mitten Chart.

Hello! Has anyone knit the Light Checkerboard Mittens from Fox & Geese & Fences? I am looking at the chart trying to understand why there is a single light stitch at the beginning of some of the rows. I am also trying to wrap my head around the increases for the thumb gore. Sometimes I think I understand it and then I have trouble looking at the extra single stitch on the chart. Thanks so much for any light bulb information! :slightly_smiling_face:

Could the single light stitch at the beginning of some rows correlate with the gusset increases for the thumb? Can you add up the sts in the chart and see if that matches the sts on the needles with or without the light stitch at the beginning of some rows in the chart? There doesn’t seem to be any mention of the chart in the Ravelry notes.

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I just read the regular instructions for the heavier mitten and they are more thorough. The instructions answered my question with one sentence that is not in the lighter version. Thanks so much for your time, hopefully that will suffice.

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Oh good. Would you mind telling us the sentence that helped? You certainly won’t be the only one with this question.

Sure! In the book there are two versions of the mitten, the first is a heavier mitten and in the instructions it read "Start pattern: K1 gray, k2 lt, k2 gra repeating * to* around. However, in the lighter version that I am knitting there isn’t a reference to the first stitch beginning the pattern so I was confused by it. I’m still grappling with the increases but I am on my way. Sometimes I think if you just get on with the pattern and make mistakes and so forth, that you can eventually figure it out. It is a bit hair pulling though! Ha!:slight_smile:

I’m so thankful for this site and all that you do!


I agree. Sometimes you just look at the sts on the needle and forge ahead. Sooner (fingers crossed) or later it makes sense. We’re glad you found us too!
Thanks for the pattern clarification. If we can help with the increases, just let us know.