Hi, I am knitting a jumper in stylecraft batik swirl.
I am on the sleeves and it’s a cable pattern.
Foundation row 1 is an increase
Foundation row 2 is just a purl row
Then the cable pattern is R1, R2, R3 (cable row), R4.
That’s fine!
Is says I have to inc1 as set on foundation row at each end of next and following 6th row.
I have been doing all 6 rows with the Inc on foundation row 1. That’s great!
However, it now says I have to Inc1 at each end of every following 4 rows. Does this means I don’t do the foundation rows and just Inc on row 4 in the cable row?
Can’t seem to figure it out!
Foundation row help!
Welcome to KnittingHelp!
For the 2nd size as an example, increase at each end of the row. Make the increases 2 sts in from each end as you did in the foundation row 1.
When the pattern says “every foll 6th row” it means work 5rows and then inc in the 6th row only. If you call the next row, row 1 then you increase in rows 1,7,13,19,25,31,37,43,49,55, and 61. That should take the stitch count from 44 to 66.
Now inc at each end on every 4th row which is rows 65, 69,73,77,81 and 85, That takes the stitch count from 66 to 78sts.
Hi, thank you!
I have been confused by the foundation row.
Do you only do foundation rows 1 and 2 once then just move onto the cable pattern and increase within those rows?x
Yes, that’s correct.
Work foundation row 1 and 2 once. From then on the repeat is the 4 row cable panel. As you work that panel, make the increases on the rows I listed. You’ll have to keep track of the cable row and also the overall row numbers but you can do that with a simple list of numbers with a circle around the increase rows. Check off the rows as you work them.
Have fun finishing up this sweater! We’d love to see a photo,
Many many thanks! I will send a photo once it’s done!
It’s amazing how just a simple explanation can make things seem so easy.
I am self taught so need a nudge every now and again!!