For your online SEX enjoyment

Seems to good to be true, but I have read on other forums only good things. On-line requires a minimum order, but it isn’t that much $30 I think (split it between some people)

[Editor’s Note: “SEX” stands for “Stash Enrichment eXpedition.” --I forgot that for a moment and had an editor’s panic moment for a second there! LOL. ~Amy]

oooooo!!! SEX is just what I need to make DHs weenie warmer!!!

oh my god. that cashmere is yummy! thanks for the info!

Hot %#^%!! :shock: Is this sale for real!!! This will definitely be the place to go for SEX(ual) enjoyment on pay day…I hope the sales last until then.

Oh my goodness … I must go through all the patterns that I want to make and stock up the yarn for when I’m ready to make them … oh my goodness … I’m having heart palpitations ! :lol:

Whoa … it’ll be like highway robbery. Do you think they’ll let me get away with it? teehehe… :twisted:


Oh, yes it is for real!! Not that I know what I am going to do with all my new stuff, but I managed to spend WAY over the $30 minimum all by my self!

Thanks so much for the URL and that cashmere sure IS lovely and I could not resist!! Can someone please tell me what the best thing would be to do with it? I’ve never had the pleasure of working with something so lovely up to this point.

Not only are the prices AMAZING, they ship extremely quickly. I am now the proud owner of some GREAT yarns and even better prices.

Thanks so much again for posting that link, Nuno :slight_smile:

Oh, and the cashmere is now the only thing I wish to knit with :oops: Guess I better win the lottery, eh?? But oh my, what a great fiber!!!

Cheap yarn SEX :thinking:

Yah, I had to go there - smiley’s is having a 99 cent and 1.00 sale til the end of march