Two atoms were walking down the street one day. All of a sudden one atom says to the other,“Whoa! I just lost an electron!” The other atom says, “Are you sure?” The first atom says, “Yeah. I’m positive.”
Two atoms were walking down the street one day. All of a sudden one atom says to the other,“Whoa! I just lost an electron!” The other atom says, “Are you sure?” The first atom says, “Yeah. I’m positive.”
Oh man. I love that joke. So corny.
Oh that was horrible LOL
is that a sonic screwdriver in your avatar?
my science teacher tells us that one EVERY year lol
hey, don’t blame me. i heard it on NPR. :teehee:
why, yes it is!
GROAN!..Thank you!
Maybe that’s a screwdriver in her avatar … Or maybe she’s happy to see you! teehee.
Woo for bad physics jokes - I got a lot of them (both me and bloke are physicists ;-)) I was looking up physics lolcats last night - they were great!