For those who don't get snow

ugh. it took my coworker 2 1/2 hours to get here this morning. 3 hours to get home last night. More expected thursday, and more again on Saturday. I better get everything I will need for the weekend now!:hair:

I lived in Ann Arbor, Michigan for five years while I was in school.
Yes, that first snowfall is so dreamy when it is so quiet outside, but then it turns into a nightmare! I don’t know how y’all do it.
You should never had to put on two layers of clothing just to go check the mail. :teehee: That’s why I moved back to Texas. But, I did enjoy the picture of the snow.

:teehee: I love to watch it snow… but I only want it to snow when no one has to go out in it lol… and there is no chance for our power to go off cause the kerosene heater scares me…Still coming down need to go put my 2 layers on and get some photos… we are under a Level 2 right now so dh still can’t get into work… he is hoping at noon it will be lifted… it took him over 2hrs yesterday to go to work and come home… I think he needs to stay put but he isn’t listening to me :teehee: …the kid’s have Christmas play practice tonight but mommy doesn’t drive in snow :oo:

ETA: Pictures…

I’d probably like snow if it was about 80 degrees when it’s doing it.

Thanks for sharing the pictures. It looks beautiful. Reminds me of my childhood in Penna. But Thank God, he told my mother to take us south to Florida 51 years ago. I love the sunshine!!! :woot:

I just found out they’re closing the university where I work early because the snow is starting to come down. Public schools were closed but they made us all get up and come in only to send us home. :wall:

Oh well, I’ll just go home and play with my Christmas tree. (Or knit) :slight_smile: I love snow now, but come February I’ll be sick of it. I really need to learn to use the snowblower this year…lol.

I like snow. It’s pretty and crunchy and it means the weather is warm-ish. Plus, it means hockey season is on and I have an excuse to wear my favorite sweaters and the coat I like and the gloves I made. If there’s actually snow falling, I’m pretty happy going out in just a wool sweater, a scarf and gloves.

I like snow until I have to shovel it. It’s been snowing all day here (2-4" forecast), and I am just HOPING that I can get in my driveway when I get home. 2-4" isn’t a lot until you try to drive a 2-wheel drive car through 4" up a rise. If I can’t, I park in the street, shovel the driveway and then move the car. Overnight snows are much easier to deal with.

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!!!

I love all the snow pictures. Here in Southeast Missouri it’s a crap shoot! Sometimes we get alot and other years we get nothin’!! I’m hoping for a little bit of the white stuff, but for now, I’ll admire yours!!!

I honestly don’t mind snow… if there is little wind and it is fairly near the 0 degrees C mark.

And I’d much rather have it snow and stay than it melt and have to deal with mud and salt and gravel and crap!

I lived in the snow belt. I loved the huge snow drifts… hated having to trudge through “recycled snow” daily on my trek to the barn. I would have much preferred if the night winds could have left that snow where my husband blew it the day before!

Other than that, it takes some figuring out how to get the right warm clothes, and it does nothing for the figure but… I’ve been out in -30 degrees with the wind chill and been perfectly warm!

I’m in the “snow deprived” group - I’ve only seen it a few times, and most of you would probably not even consider it “real snow”! I can still say I love it, because even if we get flurries, the city just shuts down. It means staying home, and getting cozy. There’s nothing like the silence of a day like that! I sure wish we would get some snow this winter!! I just don’t want so much that the limbs on the trees break and all the power lines go down!

Dustin - Your pictures are gorgeous!!!

Thank you, I love that red barn…before we gave the kids seprate rooms…ours looked out on the red barn I loved waking up to it every morning esp when it had snowed…My son went out for just a minute or two yesterday but my little girl made some snow angels… dh tried again for work but had to come back home… I can’t enjoy it for worrying about him being out on the roads…but it is pretty when he is home safe :thumbsup:

I love the barn too! In the picture, it looks like a b&w picture in which the barn has been colored! It’s a beautiful place, and I hope your hubby gets to stay home until it’s safe to go out again!

I lived in Northern Illinois for 37 years and I’m happy to say I DON’T miss the snow. I do like looking at the snow when it’s all nice, crisp and [U]clean[/U], but once it gets dirty - forget it. I hated driving with the inept drivers that think they can go faster than conditions allow then hit their brakes and stop without sliding all over the place - not a chance.

I love Southwest Florida - even in the hot summer months.

Good luck and stay warm.
