FO - Worsted Anklet Socks by JoAnne Turcotte

Hi everyone,

I love this pattern and have plans to make many more using a variety of yarns. The yarn in the picture is Knit Picks - Wool of the Andes in the colorway Winter Night. Now that I have my knitting groove back, I want to knit and crochet (and generally craft) all of the things. Have a fantastic day! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Glad you’re back! The socks look cozy and comfy.

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That looks so comfy! :heart_eyes:

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Thanks! I’m glad to be back. They’re very cozy and comfy, which came in very handy as my heat went kaput not too long after I finished them during the cold snap. I was in a matching Flax Sweater (same yarn) and socks for around a day and a half until the issue was resolved but the cold never touched me. Wool of the Andes worsted is a fantastic yarn. It pills but it is very warm.

I am not endorsed by Knit Picks or their associates. :rofl:

Please have a fantastic day and a Happy New Year!

Thank you!

Happy New Year!
