FO: Vest for my dad!

So I gifted my dad with the yarn last Christmas so he knew it was coming and I’m glad to say that after all these months of ripping and lifelining that it’s finally done!

Here it is…

Very nice!!!Looks like a good fit.

I LOVE this sweater and such a nice color:)

WOW that looks soooo great on him. Great job on the cabling work.

Great job! He looks so proud!


Love it. Great job.

Wow! That looks great! I love that green too! Great job!! :slight_smile:

That is a beautiful vest!!

VERY nice!! Love the color, the cables, everything!! Well done :thumbsup:

wow that’s awesome !!

Looks brilliant and he looks great in it. Glad you carried on even though it was tough at times.:slight_smile:

Beautiful! What a wonderful gift!

Great Job!!

Great job and I love the color! :yay:

Gorgeous! Absolutely wonderfull.
The color really suits him!

Thanks everyone! It really was a labour of love. I can’t tell you how many times I lifelined and ripped that thing back.

I love it, and he does look so proud of you!

wow, looks great on him. good job.

That is just BEAUTIFUL! You did a great job.

Where is the pattern from?

What a nice sweater! It looks great on him. :slight_smile: