FO:Sweater for Atlanta**Now with pic of her in it**

So I finished a sweater for Atlanta. I started it quite a hile ago but it got pushed to the back as I finished other projects. Here is the link for the pattern for the sweater and here is a pic of it. I will try to take one of her wearing it tomorrow but she is crabby right now and doesn’t want to try it on.

Very cute little hoodie!

Nice job. I am sure once she is not so cranky she will love it!


What a wonderful hoodie! Thanks for sharing the link for the free pattern, too! I have been looking for a nice and easy child’s hoodie!

I like the way your yarn colors worked out, too!

Way to go! :thumbsup:

Here is a pic of her weearing it she calmed down enough to take a picture.

aww very cute!!! great job:thumbsup:

Very cute! It looks like it fits the model perfectly!!
Thanks for sharing…

What a sweetie! Great job on the sweater too :cheering:

So cute, and a great fit! Nice work.

Nice job. :thumbsup:

Very nice! She looks adorable in it!

Very nice, thanks for the link too.

Looks like a perfect fit!