FO: Super Mario Bros blanket

I’m finally finished! :woohoo:

Here is my WIP post for information:

Here are the pictures :smiley:

Size comparison to me

I’m 5’1" and it covers everything but my head. It’s 50 inches. The look on my face is really weird, haha.

The crazy back.

Close up of goomba and bricks (with a few mistakes).

You better take out insurance on it, someone might decide they really like it. I consider it a work of art.

It’s simply amazing. :notworthy:

Fantastic! You’ve created a real masterpiece!

Your color work is amazing! I looked at your other sites, and I can’t believe that you are just 17 and have only been knitting for 3 years. (Well, I do believe you, but you know . . .) I have been knitting for over 60 years (!) and can’t begin to do work like that.

Wow! That’s huge! (in all senses).

Aw, thank you everybody! It will be a wall-hanging for my brother, so it is like a work of art.

Yes, many people are shocked by the fact that I’ve only been knitting for three years. Color work is my specialty :slight_smile: I’m still not an advanced knitter, though, because there are many things I can not do. For example, I do not know how to cable yet and I’ve never done stitches other than rib, stockinette, purl, and seed stitch. I’m getting there, though :slight_smile:

Beautiful work. Congratulations on the fabulous finished blanket.

When you want to do cables, etc., you’ll do great. If you get stuck, there is always help here.

Simply stunning work! I am speechless…:notworthy:

It will be a wall-hanging for my brother, so it is like a work of art.

How will you hang it? I’ve been wondering how to do it right since I’m thinking of making a wall hanging…it won’t be anywhere near the scale you accomplished.

Well I’m going to sew a back on first. Then somehow sew some sort of strings or something that would be good for hanging with.

I’ll ask my mom. She can do practically everything, haha.

What about using a curtain rod – between the backing and the knitting?





You have a gift, my dear. Sheer gift and brilliance. Congratulations on a job well done.


This is true fiber art! Congratulations on your excellent work!

WOW! That is amazing! WOW!