FO: Socks

It took three very smart people to produce these socks. First, Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, who explained in plain English how to make socks without a pattern (in her Knitting Rules! book). Secondly, whoever came up with self-striping yarn that can be counted on to produce the same size stripes. No counting rounds! You could also count in someone at Michael’s who discounted this yarn 90% so I just couldn’t pass on the opportunity :slight_smile:

The yarn is Patons Kroy Socks called Mulberry stripes so I played with the berry theme in the pictures a bit :slight_smile:

Those came out beautiful!

I love that book!

Great photos and delicious socks. Perfect with the wellies!

Lovely socks!

(And such lucious looking elderberries! The drought here left my wild bushes looking rough and with a rather sad crop–nice to see someone else fared better!)

Very very pretty little socks!!!

Those are too cute! You did a great job on them, Olha, but, of course, you do a great job on everything you knit!