FO - Shetland Triangle Lace Shawl

I have another finished project! I’m telling you…there’s nothing quite like the feeling of accomplishment!

I began with this yarn…


That is Malabrigo Sock Yarn. The colorway is Ravelry Red.

I used 1.31 skeins of yarn, leaving enough leftovers for a small project in the future (I’m thinking fingerless gloves).

The pattern for this shawl came in the book [B][I]Wrap Style[/I][/B], which I’d won on a New Year’s Eve Knitalong that Sandy hosts here on KnittingHelp each year…


I began working on the project July 14, and I cast off on September 4th. Of course, progress would have gone much faster, but I was a little busy getting my new classroom set up. Priorities must be in proper order, don’t you know. :wink:

I knit this project on size 5 needles and completed twelve (12) body pattern repeats…four more than the pattern suggests. I had seen this shawl in all of its glory in the yarn store where I had purchased the yarn, and it was a large version. I wanted something that wouldn’t fall off of my shoulders.

Ok…now that I have described the particulars, I’ll move right along to the pictures…



Here are a few close-ups of the pattern…




I can tell that I am going to enjoy wearing this shawl. The drape is so lovely, and the additional pattern repeats allow this shawl to sit comfortably on my shoulders while still being able to move around.



This was a fun, easy knit. If you’ve ever wanted to make a shawl, I highly encourage you to give this pattern a try. It’s deceptively simple, and the result is FABULOUS!

That is stunning, Nathalie! I love the color, too! :inlove:

Oh, really beautiful! The color and size are perfect. Enjoy wearing it to all sorts of great places.

Nathalie, it is just beautiful and the red is so vibrant and lovely. My niece is a teacher and she posted fb pictures of her room and told everyone it takes hours to get the room set up every year and usually more than one pair of hands so I know where you are coming from. Again, it is a gorgeous piece of knitting.:inlove:

So beautiful!

I’m very new to knitting and have only completed one project so far (Gratification scarf). I’m currently working on another beginner scarf (just knit & purl stitches). I love your shawl and will look for this pattern - thanks for the inspiration!! Marilyn

Wow! That shawl is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing so many pictures of it.

Thanks,Nonny. I’m at a different school this year, so I had to prep a brand new room. Plus, I’m teaching a different subject, reading, this year, so I’ve had a lot more prep work. This doesn’t bode well for my knitting.

WOW and double wowizers!! Nice job…

Fantastic shawl! Wonderful work! Love the color! Adore the photos! Congratulations!!!

Marilyn, don’t just look. Get the pattern and try it. Everything in knitting uses knits and purls. Just because it looks fancy doesn’t mean you can’t do it.

If it boggles your mind you have all sorts of experts on KH to help you. Beyond that, if you decide something is a little past your skills what have you lost? A little time and a need to find another use for your yarn. I think you’ll find you can do lots more when you jump right in and test the waters. Good luck.

" I’m telling you…there’s nothing quite like the feeling of accomplishment!"

Auburnchick, You got it! That’s what knitting and life is about.

Kudos on absolutely astonishing work! Jean

This is GREAT advice, Jean! Lace knitting is so much fun…so much more interesting than plain old stockinette stitch!! KH is such a wonderful place to get help too! I would never be knitting these projects if it had not been for the help of everyone here! :grphug:

Wow!! Absolutely gorgeous!!! LOVE the color and the stitch pattern!! Will definitely check out this pattern!

That’s beautiful.

That is such a beautiful work of art you did.

Wow. That is absolutely gorgeous! And RED~ my favorite color!! I think I may have to try this (although I am not sure I believe the “easy” part, lol!).

Beautiful job. I’m working on a shetland shawl myself. I hope it comes out as well as yours did.:thumbsup:

This looks gorgeous - well done!


Trust me. I wouldn’t say it was easy if it wasn’t. I’ve done much more difficult lace. :slight_smile: