Finally D-O-N-E. Pattern taken from the Mitered Crosses Blanket-for Japan. Modified mine to form a “shawl”, and will prolly use it for a lapghan at air-conditioned meetings.
54" across the widest part, 39" tall. The overall size and configuration was based on how much yarn I had. I just kept working til the yarn ran dry. I even had to use some yarn off the end of this scarf, which I never liked much but it matches this hat. Sigh. I like the hat.
Here are my Rav notes for the shawl. BTW: it does wrap around my shoulders perfectly. Might look too small, but it’s not. I could put an applied i-cord binding on the edges, maybe in a charcoal black tweed, or somethin’…but for now I’m callin’ it done!