As I said before, I’m new to knitting, and I’ve never written a pattern, so if I confuse you, please let me know :]
I used red, white, black, and a tan colored yarn. It was just cheap yarn I found at Walmart, so brand isn’t really too important. If you find a way that is easier or looks better, by all means, edit the pattern. When I knitted these, I was a bit confused, and I ended up doing Combined knitting and Continental purling, so my purling sticks out farther than my knitting. Generally, anything that’s white should stick out [Beard, bottom of hat]. Everything else should recede.
-CO 7 stitches with red yarn.
-Knit an I-cord for about an inch[ish]
-Switch to white yarn.
-Purl across.
-Purl across, increasing one on each side. You should now have 9 stitches.
-Purl across.
-Purl across, increasing one on each side. You should have 11 stitches.
-Purl 4, then switch to tan yarn. Knit 3, then switch back to white. Purl 4.
-Purl 2, then switch to tan yarn. Knit 7, then switch back to white. Purl 2.
-Switch back to tan yarn and knit all the way across.
-Knit 4, purl 3, knit 4.
-Knit 2 in tan, then switch to black and knit 2. Switch back to tan and knit 3. Switch to black and knit 2. Switch to tan and knit 2. [Tan, tan, black, black, tan, tan, tan, black, black, tan, tan.]
-Knit across in tan.
-Switch to white and purl 3 rounds.
-Switch to red and knit across.
-K2tog, knit until 2 stitches left, SSK.
-Knit back.
-Repeat last 2 steps until there are 3 stitches remaining.
-Switch to white. I knit an extra row here, but it’s not really necessary. I just find it easier.
-Knit 1, then create a bobble, about 5 stitches wide. Knit 1.
-Cast off.
Put a candy cane inside the I-cord if you wish :]
I used red yarn to tie on a gift tag.