I started this in July and finished at the beginning of September, but the finishing seemed too onerous so I let it sit. And sit. And sit. Finally I got to the point that I had 7 UFOs in my Ravelry notebook and I decided that I really needed to just bit the bullet and finish as many as possible.
I wish the sleeves were longer. I knew they would be short because everyone who has posted a picture on the internet of theirs had the same problem. I thought I added a few inches, but either I didn’t, or I should have added a few more. The construction of this made it difficult to tell how they would turn out.
I also wish I had blocked the pieces before assembling. My little condo isn’t really set up for that kind of thing, but for the sake of future projects, I’ll have to find some flat surface somewhere that I can set a blocking board. The worst puckers are on the back, they are my secret shame, I didn’t take pictures :mrgreen:
Placket detail:
Back vent (oh, I guess you can see a bit of the assembly problems here, though the picture makes it look like the horizontal strip is the problem, when it is really the join with the arms).
The yarn is Queensland Collection Uruguay DK. I didn’t fully realize how soft it was until I was assembling. But it doesn’t seem to pill or be smooshy. I will definitely use this yarn again.