A friend of mine asked that I knit her a bear after she saw the first one I made. So I made one. It didn’t turn out quite beautifully, and was made with scrapyarn. Here he is.
FO - Not so cute bear
Agreed!!! Super cute :oD
Whaaaaattt? Not so cute???
Nooo way! [COLOR=Red]He is ADORABLE!
I like him!! The fuzzy pink ears are a very cute touch!
Oh Marg, my first reaction was: “I want one!”
will you share the pattern?
The pattern is “Austin the bear” by linnypin.
I think the pattern is free, PMing you.
I added the photo to your post. A lot of people (me included) don’t like to have to click out of the forum to see a picture. :teehee: If you don’t want it up for some reason I can delete it.
I think he’s really cute! I have the pattern, but all that seaming sent me screaming.
The seaming is the most difficult part I think.
Well, I didn’t compress the pictures, so I think they were a little too big to attach to the post.
Thanks anyways Jan
It’s fine if you choose the smaller size like I did. Right click and go to properties and you can see the file size. It’s under the limit.
He really is adorable. :yay:
He is too cute!
He’s adorable!!!
Are you kidding?? He is adorable
He’s cute:heart: